Wall Art


Spiral Flower

Blues, greens and purples dance across this piece. Sealed for indoor use.

approx. 24 x 24 inches

extra shipping charges apply



Lava Tree
in Steel & Walnut

A lone tree in the field of lava rock frames the knot in this beautiful piece of 3/4 inch walnut.

approx. 22 x 27 inches

extra shipping charges apply




Art of a Circle I

Reds, greens and blues highlight the shapes cut out of the steel in this piece. Sealed for indoor use.

24 x 24 inches




Art of a Circle II

Greens and purples highlight the shapes cut out of the steel in this piece. Sealed for indoor use.

24 x 24 inches


Circle in Square Series Tiles



Steel with patinas applied hot. Each tile will be slightly different in coloring. Sealed against rust. Recommended for indoor use.
12 x 12 inches - $50



